Thursday, January 12, 2012

Geronimo in Mexico: “Vengeance for Kas-Ki-Yeh”

Most of us know of the Apache leader Geronimo but most of what most of us know we learned at the movies.  Leader of the Chiricahua Apaches, Geronimo led the fight against the expansion into Apache tribal lands by the United States during the Apache Wars.  But you knew that much from the movies.  The greatest wrongs that were visited upon the Apaches were from the United States government.  But it all started in Mexico…and we continue with the story.

It was in the summer of 1859, almost a year from the date of the massacre of Kas-Ki-Yeh, that the three tribes were assembled on the Mexican border to go on the warpath. Their faces were painted, the war bands fastened upon their brows, and their long scalp-locks were ready for the hand and knife of the warrior who could overcome them. Their families had been hidden away in a mountain rendezvous near the Mexican border. With these families a guard was posted, and a number of places of rendezvous designated in case the camp should be disturbed.
When all were ready the chieftains gave the order to go forward. None of the Apaches were mounted and each warrior wore moccasins, and a cloth wrapped about his loins. This cloth could be spread over him when he slept, and when on the march would be ample protection as clothing. In battle, if the fight was hard, the braves did not wish to be hampered by too much clothing. Each warrior carried three days’ rations, but as they often killed game while on the march, the Indians were seldom without food.
They traveled in three divisions: the Bedonkohe Apaches led by Mangas-Coloradas, the Chokonen Apaches by Cochise, and the Nedni Apaches by Whoa; however, there was no regular order inside the separate tribes. Warriors usually marched about fourteen hours per day, making three stops for meals, and traveling forty to forty-five miles a day.

Geronimo acted as guide into Mexico, and they followed the river courses and mountain ranges because that way the Apaches could better keep their movements concealed. The Indians entered Sonora and went southward past Quitaca, Nacozari, and many smaller settlements.

When they were almost at Arispe, the Apaches camped, and eight Mexican men rode out from the city to parley with them. The warriors promptly captured, killed, and scalped the Mexicans. The purpose of this was to draw the Mexican troops from the city, and the next day they came. The skirmishing lasted all day without a general engagement, but just at night, the Apaches captured the Mexican supply train, giving the Indians plenty of provisions and some more guns.

That night the Apaches posted sentinels and did not move their camp, but rested quietly all night, for they expected heavy work the next day. Early the next morning the warriors were assembled to pray—not for help, but that they might have health and avoid ambush or deceptions by the enemy.

As the war party had anticipated, the whole Mexican force came out at about ten o’clock in the morning. There were two companies of cavalry and two of infantry.  Geronimo recognized the cavalry as the soldiers who had killed his people at Kas-Ki-Yeh. Geronimo relayed that information to the chieftains, and they decided that Geronimo could direct the battle.

Geronimo was no chief and never had been, but because the chieftains were of the opinion that Geronimo had been more deeply wronged than others, this honor was conferred upon him, and Geronimo resolved to prove worthy of the trust.  Geronimo arranged the Indians in a hollow circle near the river, and the Mexicans drew their infantry up in two lines, with the cavalry in reserve. The Apaches were in the timber, and the Mexicans advanced until within about four hundred yards.  The Mexicans halted and opened fire. Within moments Geronimo led a charge against them, and, at the same time, he sent some braves to attack the Mexican rear.   

Throughout the battle, Geronimo thought of his murdered mother, wife, and babies; he remembered his father’s grave and his vow of vengeance, and Geronimo fought with fury.  Many fell by his hand.  Without hesitation Geronimo led the advance.  Many Indians were killed. The battle lasted about two hours.

At the last, four Indians: Geronimo and three other warriors were alone in the center of the field of battle. Their arrows were all gone; their spears broken off in the bodies of dead enemies. They had only their hands and knives with which to fight, but all who had stood against them were dead. Then two armed Mexican soldiers came upon the four from another part of the field. The Mexicans shot down two of the braves and Geronimo and the remaining Indian took flight toward their compatriots at the edge of the field of battle. 

Geronimo’s companion was struck down by a Mexican saber, but Geronimo reached his fellow warriors, seized a spear, and turned. The Mexican soldier who pursued Geronimo missed his aim and fell by Geronimo’s spear. Geronimo then confronted the Mexican trooper who had killed his companion and they grappled and fell.  Geronimo killed him with his knife and quickly rose over his body, brandishing the Mexican’s saber, looking for other troopers to kill.  There were none.  But the Apaches had observed what Geronimo had done.  Over the bloody field, covered with the bodies of Mexicans, rang the fierce Apache war-whoop.

Still covered with the blood of his enemies, still holding his conquering weapon, still hot with the joy of battle, victory, and vengeance, Geronimo was surrounded by the Apache braves and made war chief of all the Apaches. Then Geronimo gave orders to scalp the slain.

Geronimo could not call back his loved ones, Geronimo could not bring back the dead Apaches, but Geronimo could rejoice in this revenge. The Apaches had avenged the massacre of Kas-ki-yeh. 

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