Tuesday, March 20, 2012


 Steven Yount’s renowned Deputy U.S. Marshal Turner Brown faces what could be his ultimate tests – a young and slight hardened killer and a slim, young raven-haired beauty – in this exciting Western novel, Death at the Switchback    Author Steven Yount transports the reader back in time to the Albuquerque area of New Mexico Territory in the autumn of 1868.  It was a holdup of the Hayes and Hatch stagecoach at Bernalillo Switchback that caused lawman Turner Brown to get involved and, armed with his courage, keen eye and fast draw, Brown set out to make things right.  Death at the Switchback is a gripping story peopled with memorable characters, from a legendary one-time Texas Ranger to a beautiful Spanish aristocrat.  And SASS members will get a kick out of some character names they might recognize. 

Just like Death on the Trail, Yount’s first Turner Brown Western, Death at the Switchback is another outstanding, traditional Western escapade sure to please fans of Western novels.  In fact, it is Steven Yount’s familiarity with the history of the Old West and his attention to every facet of Western life that makes Death at the Switchback the factual Western adventure that it is.  Yount has a good knowledge of period firearms, dress and customs, people, and of New Mexico history and landscape.  If you’ve ever been to the parts of New Mexico that Yount describes in his books you’ll recognize them immediately.  Even if you‘ve never seen New Mexico in person, Steven Yount creates word pictures that make it real. The main character, Turner Brown is loosely based on the author’s own great-grandfather.  Death at the Switchback follows Death on the Trail as the second novel of The Turner Brown Westerns and what will become a four book series.  With Hollywood re-discovering the West, this reviewer is sure that there’s a movie or two in there somewhere.

Steven Yount, the author of The Turner Brown Westerns: Death at the Switchback and Death on the Trail is a veteran, award-winning broadcast journalist who has worked as a news reporter and news anchor at the premier all-news radio stations in Philadelphia, Chicago and New York City as well as the most prestigious financial news reporting publication in America, The Wall Street Journal Radio Network.  This Easterner who has become an expert on the West lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife, Joanne and their Chihuahua, Lola.  

Death at the Switchback and Death on the Trail, Turner Brown Westerns, are both available via the internet at TurnerBrownWesterns.com, where readers can join Turner Brown’s posse and receive free bonus material and reviews of upcoming Turner Brown adventures.


  1. Great review as usual.Palaver Pete.

  2. I would probably comment more often, but the "adult proof" code words used by Google is mostly beyond my comprehension. I am Cod Word disadvantaged and Google knows it, so they give me the hardest ones to interpret. This is much harder than importing coffee. Palaver Pete.
